American Prairie on 60 Minutes

Last summer, CBS journalist Bill Whitaker and the 60 Minutes broadcast team spent several days on the prairie — learning about our restoration work, touring our project areas, and filming several interviews with our staff members, partners, and neighbors. The resulting segment originally aired on CBS in October of 2022, and did a great job explaining our mission, the progress we’ve made, and the challenges we face. It was a powerful showcase of American Prairie and the work that we do, and we were excited about the opportunity to share our story with a national audience.

If you missed the original air date, you’re in luck! The segment was featured during the Sunday, August 13th, 60 Minutes broadcast, and is available to watch online (you can also view the story on the CBS website).

Additionally, the 60 Minutes team shared an “Overtime” segment that provides a bit of a behind-the-scenes look at the team’s reporting process and touches more specifically on our rewilding efforts (head to the CBS website to read more about this segment).