Spread grain and/or dust around prairie dog colonies to mitigate the spread of plague. This work could include:
Walk transects on the prairie
Carry heavy loads of grain or dust to distribute around prairie dog burrows
Explore and learn about the short-grass prairie biome from American Prairie staff
Dinners and lodging (campground or rooms at the Enrico Education and Science Center on the Sun Prairie property) will be provided.
We are looking for enthusiastic, hardworking volunteers who:
Want to help protect a keystone species
Are active, can lift 10-30 pound loads, and walk several miles
Sun Prairie, Sun Prairie North, and Blue Ridge units in northeastern Montana.
Two different sessions are planned.
One 5-day volunteer trip, taking place September 8th – 12th (Monday – Friday).
September 8th: Arrival
September 9th – 11th: Fieldwork
September 12th: Departure
One 4-day volunteer trip, taking place October 1st – 4th (Wednesday – Saturday).
October 1st: Arrival
October 2nd & 3rd: Fieldwork
October 4th: Departure